We are pleased to announce the addition of our LED Mobile Billboard Trucks which display images, videos and/or sound!
Allow your brand or business to stand out like never before! Catch your target market’s attention easily with a mobile LED billboard truck. Whether you would like a truck at an event, inside an expo center, or rolling down the most popular strip in your immediate area, we’ve got you covered…in lights! It’s hard to miss a LED video truck, day or night. Inside or out.
Audio speakers, live streaming capabilities and new tech can have your message getting out further and more impactful than ever.
We offer packages where you control the truck – the where, when and how. We’d love to talk to you about your marketing goals!
Some things we love about our trucks:
- Side screen size: 118.1”(9′ 10″) W x 59.1”(4′ 11″) H
Rear screen size: 78.7”(6′ 7″) W x 59.1”(4′ 11″) H - High Resolution: 760 x 384 pixels per side screen, 512 x 384 rear screen
- Our 3.9mm pixel pitch delivers 900% more resolution/sqm than the latest 4K stadium end-zone displays for a superior up-close viewing experience. With refresh rates up to 3840 Hz, your billboard displays will look as good in social media posts as they do in person. True outdoor-grade LED display technology is over 10X as bright as the best home theater TVs. Images are easily visible on bright sunny days. Brightness is automatically adjusted according to the truck’s environment.
- External Source Inputs: Up to 4 HDMI, 4 USB3
- 6 Content Zones: each truck screen can display two independent zones of content, all with different sources of media
- Audio System: Dual outdoor speaker arrays, wireless microphone system.
- Our extremely quiet generator is quieter than the volume of a normal conversation. Literally 10X as quiet as other generators. Electric hookup is available.
- Supported File Types: PNG, JPG, MP4, MOV, MP3
- Internet Streaming Content such as YouTube, YouTube TV, Netflix, Worldcast Live, etc.
TO INQUIRE ABOUT ADVERTISING ON OUR TRUCKS, Contact us at bombpromotions.com/contact or call 917-740-BOMB.